• CMBA Quarterly Board Meeting

    Our next Quarterly Board of Directors' Meeting is

    August 12, 2024

    10:30 am

    CMBA Office

  • Ministers' conference

    Ministers' Conference Dates

    Be watching for future dates in the fall.


  • Pastors' and wives' Fellowship

    May 10, 2024

    6:00 pm

    CMBA Office

    We had a great time of food and fellowship. If you weren't able to come, we hope you can join us next time

  • cmba christmas banquet

    We had a great time, check out our pictures on the blog. 

    This banquet is for our pastors and their wives. The last banquet was on...

    December 4, 2023

    6:30-8:30 pm

    Location: Craig Mayes Baptist Association

  • CMBA Annual Meeting

    This is our yearly meeting.  Please inform your messengers about the meeting. We will have business to approve for your association. This also counts as one of our quarterly board meetings.

    Last Annual Meeting was:

    February 25, 2024

    Location: Adair FBC

    Annual Message: Dr. Todd Fisher, Oklahoma Baptists

    Time: 2:30 pm for fellowship and light refreshments

               3:00 pm for meeting

  • Advance conference

    It was March 4-5, 2024, at St. John Missionary Baptist Church. We shared a dinner at On the Border. Always a great time of refreshing and fellowship for our association.